I have worked with celebrities in different capacities over the years, and have had a lot of successes as well as a lot of failures. I have written many articles over things that I wish I had known before I had started doing business with celebrities. I have compiled what I believe to be the most important and useful for anyone looking to work with celebrities.

Here is the list!

6 Biggest Mistakes People Make When Contacting Celebrity Representatives


One of the biggest hurdles that people have when working with a celebrity is the process of contacting their representative. In this post, I tell you what you need to do and the mistakes that you need to avoid in order to get a response back from the celebrities representative.

Read it here:  6 Biggest Mistakes People Make When Contacting Celebrity Representatives

Getting Celebrity Reps to Respond to Your Queries


I run through some tips and things to consider in order to get the representative to respond to your query.

Read it here:  Getting Celebrity Reps to Respond to Your Queries

3 Mistakes to Avoid When Booking An Artist

avoid these mistakes when booking an artist

In this blog post, I give you 3 crucial points that you need to consider when you are booking a celebrity for an event. This post covers the cost of putting together the event, the negotiation stage with the agent, and how you can use the celebrity to help you promote your event. Its a must read for anybody booking a celebrity for an event.

Read it here:  3 Mistakes to Avoid When Booking An Artist

Flo Rida’s Endorsement Agent Reveals How Businesses Can Partner With Celebrities

Marlo Gold Interview

We interviewed Marlo Gold, who is Flo Ridas Endorsement Agent, and asked her how brands can go in and partner with major celebrities like her client Flo Rida. She reveals to us how smaller businesses can get endorsements from major celebrities in addition to her strategy for putting together successful deals.
Read it here:  Flo Rida’s Endorsement Agent Reveals How Businesses Can Partner With Celebrities

How To Email A Celebrity Booking Agent

How to Write Email To Celebrity Agents

When you are looking to book a celebrity or artist for an event, its important to know the proper ettiquette when reaching out to their agent. A lot of times if your email is not formatted correctly, and you don’t provide enough information, the agent won’t even respond to your email. This article provides you with actual examples of emails that people have sent and why they didn’t get a response, and I also provide you with a good example.
Read it here: How to Email A Celebrity Booking Agent

How I Sold Services to Celebrities

I used to run an agency that sold different services to artists in the music industry. I would sell them web development and marketing service. I had a lot of successes while I did this through trial and error. In this article, I share the process that I took to do business with different artists along with the templates that I used. I think anyone selling services to celebrities would find this useful.

Read it here: How I Sold Services to Celebrities

How To Get A Press or Media Pass For Events or Concerts

There are many reasons why you may need a press pass for an event. You may want to take pictures at an event for a blog or magazine, or you may want to interview the celebrity for a TV show. In this article, I provide you with the steps that you need to take in order to get a press pass for an event.

Read it here: How To Get A Press Pass For An Event

How To Get A Celebrity To Support Your Cause

How to Get Celebrity To Support Cause

Celebrities can boost awareness for causes simply by talking about it. Many nonprofits and charities utilize celebrities just for this reason, as they the publicity that the celebrity can bring for a specific cause. In this article, I go over the important points for getting a celebrity behind a cause.

Read it here: How To Get A Celebrity To Support Your Cause

The 2 Most Overlooked Costs When Booking A Celebrity

I know from experience that the cost of a booking can go up exponentially when you add in the other things that are included on top of the booking. We cover the 2 of the most overlooked costs that people don’t consider when booking a celebrity.

Read it here: The 2 Most Overlooked Costs When Booking A Celebrity

I Hope You Find These Useful!

We will continue to add to this page as we continue to make posts that are valuable to you. Also, let us know in the comments section if there is a topic that you would like to see us cover.

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